Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Meeting With Lizzie Jackson

I arranged a meeting with Lizzie Jackson today to talk about what the college had to offer. Keith came along with me.

Lizzie said that they already have open source software called Mahara which we can use as a platform for a social networking website. Its not in current use yet so we could use it to create our idea, and it could be a way of cutting down the cost for running the website.

She also said that the idea for a social networking and portfolio website is something management are interested in and is something they are trying to set up already. A group of people called "the student web services" are planning on pitching there idea on Monday of next week and although they are setting it up, they want to get others involved and on board to carry it on, as like us they do not want to do it all themselves.

Mahara is being tested for its uses. We could also begin tests to see if our website and portfolio webiste would work on the platform or not, and if not then try to adapt our work to fit it. Lizzie has said that the main person to talk to about this would be John White, and she will give us his contact details via Email....
The problem with Mahara to us is that only students within the college would be able to view the work, we ideally wanted to get those from industry to also see what us as students were doing. it could however work for the part of collaborating within the college, i.e matching a sound designer with someone from post production.
To link in the industry the portfolios cannot be made to be public, we would only be able to link with them through other portfolio websites which defeats the object of what we are trying to do.

A last thing to note is that for prospective students who are wanting to come to the college, soon they will submit thier work for thier interview first and it will all be online. This is on an outside network which will allow outsiders to gain access to the college without the use for passwords and user names at such an early stage.

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